Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

PhotoOps after the Misa de Aguinaldo.

The Christmas gift giving

 Kate's Christmas art gift
 The gift collection...
 and Santa's gifts
 Wish come true...

 Christmas Lunch...
 ...Seafood Paella
(not in pic- lengua, salad and fruitcake)
Merry Christmas !

Joyeux Noel

May the love and peace of the Child Jesus
be with you and your family !

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Our 5-10 is now 1-6.

Breakfast at McDo.
 Lunch goodies

 Of course, Todd's favorite
 Cash gift of Lolo =D

Happy birthday Todd.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kate's Recital

All grown up, Kate now performs 
as a teenager.
 Held at Notre Dame University
on December 19, 2011
 Performing the piece
"Tarantella" by A. Pieczonka,
 and playing "William Tell Overture" by Rossini
as secondo to Ryssa Mae Delosa.

 Garnering Best and Outstanding performances

Congratulations Kate.

Niki's Back for the Holidays

Niki's home for the yuletide...

Of course, her favorite Lechon!

Welcome home Niki!