Saturday, March 29, 2014

Post- Grad Celebration

Niki and Kate's
'eat-all-can' Celebration!


Niki graduates from the
Pontifical University of Santo Tomas
BS Biology, Cum Laude


Conferral of her Cum Laude Medal

Congratulations Niki !!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kate Graduates HS

Kate's finishes High School.

Processional with Mom

Receiving her diploma...

Receiving her Honor Medal from Mom

for passing USTET

Pledge of Loyalty

Singing chinese...

...and their Graduation song.

with Batchmates 

Congratulations Kate !!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Kate's Baccalaureate

Just before the Commencement Exercises,
the traditional Baccalaureate Mass.

The Second Reading


A rose and card for the parents

The Catholic Graduates